It’s been a long year for me when it comes to Boeing. Without call and put options, it would have been worse. Bless covered calls and both naked puts and calls. Without a few of these, naturally used properly, I would not be up 20%+ in a security that’s gone nowhere in months. Here’s how I did it and what I expect in 2025.
Brand Name Dogs Get Resurrected
If Boeing could bark, it would fulfill its obligation more so than just its position in the marketplace. Remember, I’m usually early, and my positioning in Boeing proves that. I started “heavily’ buying this stock when it cascaded below $160. I actively sold naked puts to acquire quite a bit of stock.
When Boeing ran higher, around the $185 to $190 level, I sold covered calls against my position. Being not just a lover but an analyst of this stock, it was apparent to me that revenue generation was important. It was also apparent to me that neither investors nor the government had any intention of loosening the negative reigns on this one.
With that in mind, I sold not just covered calls but lots of short-term naked calls as well. I was waiting for the final shoe to drop. Boeing had to add capital to replenish its balance sheet. That premonition was easy. When the hammer came down, I was ready. I sold short and long-term naked puts, lots of them, covered all naked calls and bought more common shares.
It took a lot of time and energy. Nothing has changed. Boeing is a brand-name leader in its field. Sometimes, great companies have problems. Sometimes, great stocks drop in price. Some investors call this a problem. I call it an opportunity. I’m looking for the stock to double in price over the next twelve to eighteen months. Like always, i’ll jut follow the ‘herd’. When they start buying, I know it’s time to start selling. They’ve been wrong so far.
Most of you remember ‘The Fantasticks” for other songs. I happen to like this one much better than the rest. I had the lead in this one, but I always wanted to perform this song. It fits almost everything I believe in, especially when buying the laggards. I’m an opportunist. I’m also a sucker for value. Cash is king, and having a stash of it ready and waiting for an opportunity to find me works. I hope you have picked this up from me. More will follow but let’s start here.