When you take either of my courses, you will quickly understand how important basic emotions are to becoming the “best damn investor or trader” you can possibly be. You will also notice that ‘empathy’ is almost as important as “self-confidence”. Humility is as well and we’re loaded with humilty.
No one is always right or wrong. Having a plan and sticking to it makes the difference and is something exhibited without question. When discussing the assembled courses humility and empathy rule. Sure, self-confidence is involved or the time it has taken to teach the “right way” would not have developed. Sorry it took so much time but when it comes down to it, this labor of love is well worth while. This is the week we start. As always, thanks for your patience and telling me what you want to learn. I listened.
So What Are We Offering
It all started with a book, “The Ticker’s Bible”, subtitled “In The Beginning” as that is what it is, a start to learning how to invest and trade the “right way”. Here’s a screen shot of what this “reference” source, in it’s dust-covered format looks like.
Yes it was a labor of love but you told me to put together a few “oral” courses so you could learn everything “online”. You’ll have to excuse me, I turn 69 next month and I am far too old to have learned anything online but I sense, like anything else, times do change, eh?
Here Come The Online Courses
So this week we are going to introduce two courses, one available through our work with “Education Horizon” and the other through “Udemy”. The Udemy course is more than 19 hours long covering more than 70 lectures. If I may pat myself on the back, it’s damn good and will be more than fairly priced especially if you use the “introductory” coupon. When it’s available, we will exhibit both for everyone including the coupon.
Education Horizon is special. Everyone knows I want people, regardless of their total experience to learn the “right way”. The first set of five sections in course one is just about complete, The second five sections of course two are getting there as well. The reason Education Horizon is our source to teach from is easy. As we are constructing it so you get something really special; you get me.
With your purchase of “Education Horizon", together with all we will be including, in essence it’s free. We will have more detail on the actual course when we launch it later this week but rest assured, and not taking anything away from the Udemy course, it is just a better way to learn the “right way”.
So What Else Is Out There
We’ll always post regularly on Substack and LinkedIn and thank the tens of thousands of you who follow us on these networks. Over time we’ll be adding in a few more basic social media sites for good measure as ‘different investors and traders’ watch different sites. Until then, enjoy “The Ticker” here and thanks for you for your time watching.
Introducing One-On-One Online Tutorials
There’s more to get you started, “One-On-One Online Tutorials”. That’ right, you’re going to get me “one-on-one”. As Mr. T. so eloquently replied, I respectfully disagree but who am I. I’m pretty good one-on-one and coupled in with my upcoming webinar library, the “One-On-One” program sets itself apart. Webinars are critical as market trends do not always cooperate with instructor wishes. In other words, markets have a ‘mind of their own’ so our webinar library will be an important tool for every tutorial student to use as they learn how to invest and trade the '“right way”.
So we are giving you many different ways to become the very best “damn investor or trader” you can possibly be but remember, it takes time. This process is a marathon not a sprint. If you think you are going to learn everything is a short period of time you are going to be frustrated and disappointed. Give us your time; we’ll give you all of the knowledge ‘beteen our ears’ you need to be a successful investor or trader.
That’s it for me for now. I hope you are doing your homework and due diligence on the European stocks I singled out. It’s important that you take the time to do all of this just like we do. It’s even more important that you learn how to use the tools we use to accomplish that task. That’s why we are doing the courses. In any case, it is more important to you that you learn how to do what we do so stay tuned and again thank you for your time and patience. Now it’s time for me to get back to work. I sense this is going to be an important week for everyone.
Carly Simon said it better than I ever could in her hit song “Anticipation”. It has been a great deal of anticipation for all of us, me in particular. I know we have put together a couple courses that sets us apart from the field. No one cares more about you than I do and for good reason. I have 55+ years of experience between my ears and figured it was time to ‘give it all back’ to you. The only thing that kept me from doing it sooner was making sure I was doing it the “right way”. Sure, it took more than half of a year to do that but we’re there and you are the beneficiaries. Be well and again, thanks for giving us the time to put it all together the “right way”.